Sales Representative (SM Tshwane), Khululiwe Mbatha says great customer service is the hallmark of a successful career in sales. Her career journey has been filled with challenges, which include the dominance of male personalities and being subjected to stereotypes. These challenges have not only led to immeasurable growth but continue to inform the way she navigates the industry and her professional relationships. She embraces a culture of excellence which keeps her love for sales alive, despite the challenges.


What sparked your interest in sales and how has your career journey been so far?

My passion for sales was sparked by a genuine commitment to customer service and adding value to businesses. Throughout my career journey, I have encountered various opportunities and challenges, which have been instrumental in my growth and learning. It has been an exceptional journey so far, filled with valuable experiences.

Tell us about challenges you experience as a young woman in this profession and how do you overcome these?

As a young woman in this profession, I have faced challenges related to stereotypes and the dominance of male personalities in the industry. At times, I felt underestimated and encountered biases due to gender imbalance but to overcome these challenges, I remain resilient and work diligently to showcase my abilities and expertise. My focus is on delivering exceptional results and breaking barriers.

If you could give young women coming up behind you some advice, what would that be?

My advice to young women coming up in any profession is to stand firm in what you believe in and never hesitate to voice your opinions. Be confident in your skills and never give up, always seek growth and improvement. With determination and hard work, you can achieve great things.

Looking at the journey of women empowerment, particularly in SA, what stands out the most regarding the role of women in society and what more would you like to see achieved?

The journey of women empowerment in South Africa has seen progress, but there is still work to be done. What stands out the most is the need for more job opportunities for women, especially in traditionally male-dominant industries. Additionally, I aspire to see more women in leadership positions as women have a crucial role to play in influencing positive socioeconomic change in our country.

What concerns you most about being a young woman in SA?

As a young woman in South Africa, my primary concern is the prevalence of stereotypes and the patriarchal nature of society. Despite hard work and dedication, there is often still discrimination, and some may question whether we deserve certain positions of success. Breaking through these barriers remains a significant challenge.

What is your go-to drink when out with friends?

Bernini Blush, and I am very happy because it’s now a Heineken Beverages product.